Wellness done right is exuberant!

Exuberance … it’s my word of the year. This is a word chosen to highlight my year, to learn from, to draw on, to allow in.

It’s a cool experi-ment; feel free to try it out if you’d like. No drama; no worries about how to do it “right.” Just relax and get curious about: Hmmm, what might a word of the year for me be?

Even better, perhaps focus on your word of the year specifically for wellness. Though wellness can embrace so much, and that includes exuberance.

I actually tried to brush exuberance away like a pesky fly. As I sat down with paper and pen to ponder my word, I decided I wanted something related to how I approached my business. Exuberance, I heard in my mind. No, I thought, let’s get serious. EXUBERANCE!! I heard again. Hey, I thought – knock that off. Then I laughed. Obviously, exuberance was just what I needed to be reminded about. Exuberance it is!

Oh, and by the way, don’t get hung up that it’s February, and it’s not – gasp! – the start of the year. You can use your word for a year still. Or the rest of this year. Or whatever pleases your heart. I give you permission. I just waved my magic wand. It’s all good.

With my exuberant word of the year, I’m realizing more and more that’s what I want to teach you and show you and prove to you that wellness can be … EXUBERANT! Kick ass, bold, beautiful, fun, exciting, I-love-this-wellness-stuff!!! exuberance!

Enough of approaching wellness with shoulds and dread and responsibility and judgement and beating yourself up when you’re not perfect enough. I don’t want you to view wellness this way. I want you to embrace the journey with joy and curiosity and excitement.

Our pets and children – you don’t have to teach them exuberance. They have it down! It’s only us poor human adults who need to re-learn it. To embrace it and allow it to lead us back to a naturally well life. Wellness and exuberance can be virtual synonyms. Honestly!

I want you to know, past any bits of doubt, that wellness in your life, done YOUR way, can truly be exuberant. Isn’t that more appealing? Isn’t that more inviting? Doesn’t that make it feel more possible?

That’s my mission: Wellness reinvented minus the drudgery … wellness done with exuberance. C’mon, don’t miss the party; join me!

