Health questions? The answers are inside.

The word Enlightened on an arrow over the word Confused to illusAll the wisdom you want. All the possibilities that are present for you right now. All the answers you need to the questions and worries you face. All the direction. All the right paths to take. All of that is contained:

Inside you. Yes, it is. If you want true wisdom, you have to look inside.

One of the best ways you can fine tune your health is to learn to listen to your body. No, not your head. It’s easy to confuse the two, but, if you are quiet and touch base with your heart and soul, you’ll get the information you want. The true information. Your answers.

When you do that, you shift away from feeling helpless and hopeless about your life and your health to finding new possibilities in how to bring about what you want.

Practice learning to listen to your body and trusting it. There are those little nuggets of wisdom trying to get your attention. Signs and symbols and suggestions that pop up but get drowned out by all the noise in your usual daily life. If you can tune in, simply quiet yourself for a short time, you’ll hear. You’ll hear, and you’ll benefit.

Test it out. Listen to that next suggestion or hint that is inner vs. outer. What happened as a result? Is there some tweak needed so it works better for you? Keep practicing. Practice makes pretty darn good. (Screw perfect; pretty darn good is good enough.)

“There is more right with you than wrong with you,” Jon Kabat-Zinn, author and creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic and Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, has said. Believe in that, and believe that your own true wisdom will never steer you wrong.
