7 quick ways to ease the tireds

Couple Of DogsIt hits you, and it’s rough — that worn out, run down feeling that feels as if you had a tank of gas, but it’s been on empty for the last 100 miles. You’re on fumes at this point. You’re tired, and all you want to do is lie down. You don’t want anyone bothering you, and, frankly, you wish the whole world would leave your vicinity. In an attempt to survive, you reach for anything that will get you through. Usually some form of sugar or caffeine. And you feel better – yay! And then … you don’t again. That’s not a good roller coaster ride.

Fatigue in all its forms — from a simple slump to utter inability to get through the day — is so insidious. It can sneak in, bit by bit, until you don’t even realize how far downhill you’ve gone.

This is the number one complaint of many people. They’re tired. End of story. I’m not surprised it’s become a major complaint. Look at our lifestyles: We sleep too little, and go too much. We eat food that doesn’t fuel life. Our schedules are jam packed, but none of it involves things that renew our body and keep it well: play, connection, stress relief, movement.

Of course, fatigue can be a symptom of any number of diseases. So, you may need to explore further. But, if you suspect a few changes might be what you really need, here are some things to try:


Honestly, sometimes when you’re tired, you’re simply tired from not getting your body off the couch, out of the office chair, out of the car. Your body is designed to be in motion. A body in motion stays in motion. So try some form of movement, and see what happens. Do you feel better? Can you do it? How do you feel afterward? What can you accomplish after moving your body?

I swear this is the most important one. When you’re slumped in your chair and sure you can’t get through, stand up and at least walk around. If you can, go outside and get some sun and fresh air. Just that bit may help a lot.

I know there are times when I think: I canNOT go to the gym. (One of my current forms of movement.) But I know that’s not really the fact much of the time. So I go. I come back, and I’m ready to roll. Ready and with enough energy to do much more than I would’ve thought. That action is like putting gas in the tank. And, heck, even changing the oil.


No, not that kind of drink. And no weird “energy” drinks either. Water. Pure, refreshing water your body may seriously need. Many of us are suffering from chronic dehydration. And dehydration kills your energy as well as impacting your overall health.


If it’s earlier in the day, try a nap. Not a long sleep, a nap. 15-20 minutes. Don’t force yourself to sleep. If sleep doesn’t come, just look at it as rest. Again, notice how you feel afterward, and you’ll get the clues you need.

If it’s later in the day, go to bed earlier. Yes, really. You can do it. You’ll do it if you end up ill so just do it … now.


Stop ze groaning. Yes, I said the m word. Meditation is calming, but it also can energize you by allowing your body and mind to rest. You don’t have to go study in India, learn how to transform yourself into a pretzel and chant for hours. 10-15 minutes will help. However you want to do it. There are a lot of interesting apps out there if you want simple plug and play guidance. My current favorite is Calm.

Skip the fake

Fake sugar, fake this, energy drinks full of chemicals. Plastic food. Not food that fuels you. Eat something real. A good fat — good cheese, avocado, almond butter. Fruit with some protein — almonds or cheese, for example — to slow the sugar spike. Almonds themselves make a great snack. I often pair them with a bit of dark chocolate. Lara Bars are real food that tastes good and are easy to keep around. A little higher in sugar than I’d like, but check the label and find the ones with the least. Same thing for Kind Bars — some are really nicely balanced; some are too high in sugar. READ your labels! As an easy guide for what will keep you fueled and stable, look for at least half the grams of protein to carbs. (Net carbs – subtract the fiber from the carb count first.) So, for example, if that whatever has 8 grams of protein, you don’t want to see more than around 16 grams of net carbs.

Remember oxygen?

Breathe … the right way. Deeply in, filling your lungs and abdomen. Deeply out. It’s sad, but we don’t even take the time to breathe right anymore. We have to be instructed. This is a few minute energy boost. Stop, close your eyes, focus on a few deep breaths. How do you feel? I forget this all the time, but, thankfully, I remember it fairly often, too. It always surprises me what a difference a few deep breaths can do for whatever ails me at the time.

And, finally, your brain

Thinking the sky is falling is a huge energy drain. Find the positives. Stop talking so much to Negative Nel. Find something that makes you laugh or say, “Awwwww!” Express your gratitude. Do something nice for someone. Works wonders to lift your energy and your spirits.

Bonus: Dog noses

Yeah, that photo doesn’t have much to do with this, but, hey … dog noses! Or … maybe it does. I know I’d crawl under that blanket with a dog nose or two, cuddle and be totally revived. On a nice chillier day, that is – not today when it’s 4 billion degrees out. (Yes, it is – don’t argue with me. Okay, Okay, it feels like it. Or, well, it might as well be. Or, well … I’d just like it to be cool enough to enjoy that blanket vs. see it as an object of torture.) Plus a laugh or awww at a cute, cuddly picture might be yet another way to revive your tired self.
