Antibiotic overuse is damaging your health — and mine

AntibioticsToo many of us think the saving grace of many illnesses is one thing — antibiotics. It’s time for that huge misconception to be corrected. Antibiotics don’t cure or help a lot of health issues. Worse yet, they don’t come without potential problems. So, you’d be really smart to only accept antibiotics for a very specific, very needed reason. Not because you have a cold. Or some random whatever.

First, antibiotics absolutely don’t help fight viruses like those that are at the root of colds, the flu and most coughs and sore throats. They only work against infections caused by bacteria, fungi and some parasites. So, please, don’t push your doctor to prescribe them when they aren’t useful. That overuse is harming us all. Not just you. All of us. Antibiotic-resistant superbugs are now occurring thanks to the overuse of antibiotics. That means any of us could end up with a serious infection that will not respond to any current antibiotics. Which equals being in deep, deep trouble. Perhaps death.

Second, antibiotics can trash your health. If they are desperately needed — and appropriate for what you have — then it’s awesome we have them. You take them, follow with a good round of probiotics to replenish the good bacteria the antibiotics deleted, and continue along your healthy way. If you don’t need them but take them, you’re risking damage to your health with no positive effects. No needed effects. No relevant effects. Just damage to your gut, your immune system, perhaps even your brain cells.

Many doctors are trying to get patients to stop demanding antibiotics. I commend them for that. It’s the right move. So, don’t be the patient who pushes your doctor into giving up in frustration (though I think they still should hold firm) and writing you that ‘script. If your doctor is quite willing to give you antibiotics no matter what, though, then you better know more. Ask more questions, like: What will this treat? Why is it needed? Is this the right antibiotic to work on this strain of bacteria? How do you know that?

Save your health. Save our health. Be informed. You can’t leave this in other people’s hands. It is firmly in yours.


Want to become the person who feels empowered about their health, not confused? That’s what I do: Work with you to create the plan that will put you in that place.
