Want to be healthier? Imitate a child.

bigstock_Joy_1833501One of the most magical parts of the holiday is watching an excited, happy kid. I always felt that Christmas was designed especially for children. I loved watching my kids get up (even after my limited sleep wrapping and sneaking out presents) and discover their presents under the tree, go through their stockings, be surprised, happy, excited and have lots of fun.

A healthy, happy kid equals pure joy. So, the thought came to me: Do you want the Cliffs’ Notes version of how to be happy and whole? Go imitate a happy, healthy kid for a while.

When they’re happy, they’re HAPPY! If something gets them down, they cry for a bit, but they recover fast. If they’re sleepy, they curl up and nap. If they’re hungry, they search out food. If they’re not hungry, they stop eating. They run around. They shout for joy. They play. They laugh. They love. They find wonder in every corner of the world. They really, really live life.

Yes, let me take a moment in the midst of this to say: I know this isn’t truth for every child on our planet. I wish it was. For every human on our planet, actually. My holiday wish would be that every person could enjoy health and happiness and pure love. Thankfully, many do. To the the rest, I send them courage and hugs and the will to go on to hopefully find all this soon.

So, back to a generally happy, healthy, whole kid. All kid, all the time. If you have one in your life, observe. Enjoy. Play with them. Learn. Try that persona on as an adult. Of course, you don’t get to do it all the time. (Oh, bother, as Winnie the Pooh says.) But you can do it some of the time. And that some of the time will help.

Feel free to be over-the-top joyously happy instead of a solemn, well-behaved, disciplined adult.

If you’re sad, express it. Don’t slip it under the rug with all the other problems that soon will crop up as health issues.

When you’re tired, please sleep. Even 15 minutes will restore some of your well being. If short naps don’t work for you, try a short break still. Relax, shut your eyes, breathe deeply a while. Shut off everything, and let go.

Take care of yourself.

Treat yourself gently.

Respect what you need.

Don’t put yourself last. It isn’t selfish to care for yourself like you’d care for a loved child. It’s needed so you can remain well and continue giving back to those around you.

Don’t put this off until you have “time.” The time is now.
