Wellness in a short and sweet but powerful step

Wellness gets put on the back burner too often. Until you can’t ignore it because you’re ill.

And why does it get put at the end of your 100-item to do list so often? Because it seems too terribly huge. Too damn big. Too much of a maze.

Here’s what you do instead of waiting for the moment you can put that huge plan into action:

Today – right now – take the first short, sweet, easy step you can think of.

Simply park farther away from the store.

Drink one glass of water.

Eat one serving of a fruit or a vegetable.

Sit down and be silent for a few minutes. Breathe.

Straighten up a small space.

Call a friend who will lift you up.

Or anything else that occurs to you that you need to feel a little healthier, a little better.

When you’ve done that? Pat yourself on the back. (Yes, go ahead – if you don’t do it, who will?) You deserve it. Don’t measure the quantity; measure the quality. Say to yourself: Well, that’s damn better than doing absolutely nothing. I did something. And tomorrow I will do something more.

And, that, my friend, is the wellness ball rolling. In action. You keep that up, it stays rolling, picking up speed all the time. Even if you miss doing one small thing in a day, that ball will start right back up the day after. All you have to do is just … pick.it.up. Then give it a little push with some action.
