4 easy ways to find your motivation to be well

Have you ever made plans to get healthy … and then they dropped by the wayside as your motivation flagged? I know – when you’re getting started, it can feel a bit harder. Let me help make it easier.

Here they are, my fast 4 ways to help you find motivation to do the things that will make you well (and happy and loving life and …):

How do you feel?

When you have a healthy meal, notice how you feel afterward. Do you feel more energetic? Less bloated? Less likely to want to lay on the couch and watch TV? Not craving another hit of sugar, bread or whatever? Make a mental – and, even better, a physical – note of of the difference. That will encourage you to try that healthy dish again vs. give up because maybe you weren’t as crazy about the flavor as your old stand by. (And, have faith – as you eat healthier, your tastebuds will change.)

Get the ball started

Tell yourself to just start. For example: You don’t want to do the exercise you planned today? Just start. Sometimes all you need is to get the ball rolling, and the rest is easy.

Where’s your why?

Remind yourself why you’re doing this. Is it because you want to be healthy to play with your grandkids? Walk your daughter down the aisle? Enjoy long vacations with a loved one when you’re retired? When you’re dragging your feet about something, stop, think – well, I decided to do this because, if I do, here’s what I’ll get.

KISS (mwah!)

And, finally – as I’ve said over and over – KISS. Or, in my interpretation, Keep It Small Sweetheart! Whatever you want or need to change, make it a small step leading to your larger intention. It’s much easier to find motivation to do something like go for a 10 minute walk than put in 2 hours at the gym. Go for the win. Make it something you can be successful at. Then your motivation and desire will increase.


