4 ways to survive the holidays

Christmas cactusToo often anymore I hear people saying they will be happy once the holidays are over. Then they can sit down, breathe a minute, return to their sometimes already hectic lives, which now seem carefree by comparison.

So not good. For, one, your health, and, two, your life. Oh, yeah, I know you enjoy pieces of the holidays even amidst the rest. It’s not all bad. But some of it is. Or too stressful. Or too crazy-making.

Here’s what to do instead to preserve your sanity, your health and your holiday celebrations:

Say no

Yes, you can. You know there’s something you’re just itching to say no to. SAY IT. The world won’t end. And, if there’s someone involved that will try to guilt you into thinking it will if you say no, well, so be it. Let their world end. Their problem, not yours.

Carve out breathing room

I don’t care if it’s only a minute. Wrestle that minute away from everything else and sit down and do something that’s only for you. Even.just.breathe. Self care isn’t selfish; it’s health preserving.

Scale down

Cut out something, make something less Hollywood-worthy, etc. Make it more sensible. You can enjoy a wonderful holiday and it can be simpler.

Find the magic again

Get more conscious of what you’re doing. Stop and delight, like a child, in the scents of the food. Or the twinkling of the lights. Or the snow falling. Be very much present in the moment. It magnifies the magic. And makes you grateful, which helps you be well.
