5 ways avocados protect your health

Avocado – that not-real-pretty, bumpy fruit (yes, it’s a fruit, not a vegetable) with the creamy, green goodness inside. The pure health food that has gotten a bad rap at times because of its fat content.

Worried about that? Don’t be. It’s seriously good-for-you fat. The fat in something like an avocado isn’t creating the multitude of health issues existing today. Fat in foods like fried chicken may be but not fat from an avocado.

In fact, a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that people who eat avocados daily are healthier than those who don’t. Here are 5 reasons why you want to consider making avocados a regular part of your diet:

Stabilize blood sugar issues

Avocados’ good fats and fiber help keep your blood sugar levels stable, which is exactly what you need to prevent the roller coaster effect that leaves you weak, tired, craving sugar and carbs – and heading for diabetes.

Keep your ticker ticking

Avocados not only help lower cholesterol, they also are a good source of a variety of nutrients that create pure health for your heart. Bonus: The part that helps lower cholesterol also works to lower your risk of suffering a stroke.

Prevent cancer

Oleic acid in avocados has been shown to help combat breast cancer. In addition, other substances target pre-cancerous and cancerous cells in the mouth, while not harming healthy tissue. Bonus: The same oleic acid works with your brain to help you feel full.

Keep your vision

A substance in avocados is particularly effective in enhancing eye health along with preventing macular degeneration and cataracts.

Remain active

Inflammation, at minimum, aggravates osteoarthritis. Avocados, being rich in anti-inflammatories, are one of the few foods that produce consistent improvement in arthritis pain.




