5 ways your mind can help you be well

mind, body, spirit and soul - word cloud on a  digital tabletMindset is a really important building block to living well. If your mindset resembles a mine field more than a field of wildflowers, I can look into your future and see problems. And, no, I’m not psychic. It’s a given — even from research —that a negative mindset harms health.

Your state of mind has been shown to be a much more important predictor of your long-term health and wellness than any other single factor. Want to increase the chances that you will enjoy a life free of illness? Work on your mindset.

Here’s how to begin improving your mindset so it works to be your health ally:

Focus on pluses more than minuses

No matter what is going on — yes, truly, no matter what — there is something in your life that is right. Find it. Embrace it. Cherish it.

Break up with your disease

Perhaps you have something that challenges you — arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, migraines, whatever. You might not be able to ignore it all the time, but put an immediate end to identifying with it too closely. Don’t claim it as My Migraines or My Arthritis. There’s a danger here in that you can no longer see yourself as whole and well. Deal with what you have to deal with, then step away. Don’t talk about it when it doesn’t need to be talked about.

Watch what’s not coming out of your mouth

Mindset doesn’t include only what you speak about, as in the above tip. What you’re thinking has just as much impact. You may get in the habit of not speaking negatively while the rampant rage in your head goes unnoticed. That toxic soup of negative thinking sloshing around in your brain will make you ill. Studies show that every single thought we have is ingrained into our cells. Become aware.

Fear isn’t necessarily fact

Our current media and more is very much based in fear and negativity. It’s their job. Tragedy and crisis sell ads. However, you have choice. You can listen to this hours a day and see negative issues as fact in your life … or you can turn it off. Of course, stay reasonably informed, but that can be done in moments vs. hours. Feeding yourself a steady diet of what’s going wrong is as dangerous as feeding yourself a steady diet of fast food.

Go complaint free

Choose a day and go complaint free. Simply refuse to complain about anything. Yes, anything. I bet you’ll be surprised how many times you catch yourself slipping, which is why this is such a great awareness exercise. That awareness will teach you, and you’ll improve, which will boost the positive mindset you want to cultivate.
