9 health improvements from 1 simple change

DSCN4526Our world is filled with simple, inexpensive (or free), natural ways to help us stay well. And, yet, we make it all so complicated.

If you’d give a little more time to this one area, here’s how your health could be enhanced:

  1. You’d be less likely to be obese.
  2. Your chances of becoming diabetic or having a stroke would drop.
  3. So would your blood pressure.
  4. So would your chances of being in a car accident.
  5. You’d be less likely to fall, as your balance would improve.
  6. Your heart attack risk would drop by almost half.
  7. You’d find it easier to make good food choices.
  8. Your brain won’t age as fast.
  9. You’d overall lower your chance of dying.

The mystery ingredient? Sleep. Enough of it — say, more than seven hours — and quality sleep. That’s all. And women, some of the above impacts you the most. I’m not going to differentiate which is which because all of us can benefit from a good night’s rest.

Go to bed a bit earlier tonight. Then, if you’re far off that ideal 8 hours, a bit earlier some time later. You’ll adjust. The same stuff — the stuff that matters — will get done. Or more. Because when you feel better, you accomplish more in less time.

Willing to get more sleep, but your problem is that you have trouble sleeping well? I get it. Here are a couple articles I’ve written that might help get you there:

7 natural, safe ways to help you sleep

Extra help to get some zzzzzs
