Aim for progress, not perfection (aka war on your own sweet self)

Progress SelectedWellness Reinvented. In other words, we’re reinventing wellness.

The old/current wellness: Do all the things. NOW! Throw out every last thing you’re doing because it’s wrong, wrong, wrong. And change to this new and improved way of doing it. Overnight. You don’t have time to waste. No, you can’t sit on the couch — ever. Same for that brownie — never, ever again. Kiss it goodbye. (My side thoughts: Man, is that gonna be a long kiss or what?) Yeah, it’s hard, but, hey, we are going to make you 100 percent healthy … and skinny … and all the stuff.

Wellness reinvented: Don’t do all the things now. You’ll drive yourself crazy. And crazy isn’t good for living well. You’ll feel overwhelmed. You’ll give up in time. Then you’ll feel lousy about your attempt. Not a recipe to feel like repeating that. Let’s just make some changes. Then some more. Little ones. Ones you can feel good about. Ones you can do. And still be smiling and still be thinking you have a damn fine life.

In other words, if you ask me, the goal in wellness should be progress. NOT perfection. You made some progress last week? Awesome! Keep it up. That’s it. You’re making progress. You are, step by step, adding in things that will help you live well. And you are also, bit by bit, beginning to fall away from things that aren’t serving you so well.

It works. Better. Because every one of you reading this is totally capable of making progress. Right now. To be able to look back in a short time and say, “Hey, I’m doing better than I was.”

Step one may be convincing yourself that progress is way better than perfection. Start with this: That perfection often isn’t achievable. So why make it the goal?

Step two is: What can you do in the next week to be doing something better for your health? In any one of the building blocks to wellness. (Outline of those here: 9 building blocks that create wellness.) Do it. Claim progress. Pat yourself on the back. Then … do it again, and you’ve got it. You totally are moving closer and closer to wellness. Wellness that will stick around this time.

Ready to reinvent your approach to wellness? Let’s do this thing!
