Are you giving your skin a drink of chemicals?

Your skin. Your precious, porous skin. Do you not think about what it’s absorbing when you apply lotions, potions and more?

If so, change your metaphor for your skin. Instead of thinking of it as some thin sheet of whatever that holds your bones and muscles in place, consider it as a pathway straight to your bloodstream. Or, to make it even more simple and visual, think of your skin like a mouth. It’s drinking in what you put on it.

So, all those unpronounceables that are in the products you use on your skin? They’re going straight into your body as if you were drinking them. Sort of changes the picture, doesn’t it?

The same as you don’t want to eat chemicals that can cause disease in your body, you don’t want to put them on your skin either. (Or inhale them, as an aside. A lot of the “pretty” scents bombarding most homes aren’t good for your health either.)

Now, if this is all news to you, please don’t despair and get overwhelmed. Start somewhere. Take some category, and see if you can improve on it. Like soap or lotion or one item of make up or shampoo. Start looking for better choices, with fewer to no chemicals that can harm your health.

To help, here’s a good site where you can either look for good choices or input your own current choice and see how it stacks up: Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. I know, I know – it’s going to take you a little time. But time is your friend in protecting your well being. If not you, then who? You have to take the lead in safeguarding your health. It’ll be worth it.
