Are you purchasing long term health … or a short term cover up?


You know the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words?” I think the below does that nicely. But stick with me for a few more words, though, okay?

I realize that sometimes a photo like the one above makes you want to get all snarky, and reply, “Yeah, I like the pretty-colored pills better!” Believe me, I understand that one! When backed into a corner, I will come out with stuff like that, too. Got me in big trouble as a teenager, but it was worth it!

BUT (and it’s a big but, as they say), stop and be real for a moment, all snarkiness and humor aside: Here are the facts:

We complain that all those lovely fruits and veggies cost too much. Do you know the cost of being on a half dozen prescription meds? Especially as you are aging and retired? Do you want your money going to the local pharmacy … or to a cool trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to go? (No, no, spare me; we’ve already covered snarky answers!)

Lovely fruits and veggies taste great (once you allow your tastebuds to come back alive after chemicals and over-processed food) and have ZERO side effects. Not-so-lovely handful of prescription meds? Lots of side effects. I never can understand how you can very willingly take something that has small print reading, in effect, “May lead to heart attack, stroke and death.”

Feeling great happens with doses of lovely fruits and veggies daily. Feeling great – truly, vibrantly, wonderfully great – does NOT happen on prescription meds. Sure, they may cover up some unwelcome symptoms for a bit, and you feel like that helps. But feeling great and healthy – and remaining that way –  is not really going to be the end result. As the picture notes, it’s mostly a cover up. Something is still going wrong, and you still need to address it.

Don’t fool yourself and rob yourself of the vitality you could have into old age. Your body needs fruits and veggies, not candy-colored pills. If fruits and veggies don’t appeal a lot to you right now, just have faith that, if you keep giving them a try, one day you’ll crave that avocado more than the processed whatever you currently crave.
