Can you think yourself well?

I think I can; I think I can; I think I can!

Are you like the little engine who could? The ant moving a rubber tree plant? (‘cuz he had high hopes! And, hey, if these references make so sense, just go ask an older person! Or, well, me … )

Or are you more like Negative Nelly? You know: Yeah, that crap’ll never work. It doesn’t matter for me. I can’t do that. I have (fill in the blank), and so it’s different for me.

Whether you think you can – or you think you can’t … you’re probably right. Soak that in a minute.

Got it? If you don’t believe you can be well, you’ll make yourself right. If you DO believe wellness is very possible for you, you’ll make yourself right. (And, hey, if you want help believing in how well you can be, grab my free, downloadable mp3 right here: Connect with your healthiest best.

This isn’t just all New Age, woo-woo, hocus pocus stuff. (Though I’m all for new agey, woo-woo, hocus pocus! Why not? What does it hurt to try? We may just not know – yet – that the world isn’t flat.) There is a definite connection between what you believe and what you’ll do. Let me ‘splain:

If you don’t believe you can be well, you won’t bother making choices that help you. It’s all impossible, anyway, right? So why try? If you believe there is no way in hell that you truly can feel better, what does it matter if you, say, get off the couch and go for a walk? Eat a few more whole foods? Find ways to lower your stress? Examine your connections to ensure they’re not damaging your health? Etc.?

BUT – if you believe you can be well, no matter where you’re at in this moment, hell, all the doors fly open! You’ll make better choices because you believe your beliefs. You’ll naturally be drawn to ideas and opportunities for a wellness-based lifestyle. You’ll have that positive, strong, can-do spirit.

See the difference? What you’re thinking, saying, believing is powerful stuff. It leads you. It fills you up (or drains you).

What’s your story’s end? I hope it is:

I thought I could; I thought I could; I thought I could!!

Yeah, I knew you could, too!
