Change your mind; change your health

You know that big, red, easy button used as an ad for some office supply store? It worked because that’s what we want. Something, somehow, some way to make things we need to do easier.

Hit the big, red easy button, and, voila, your magic genie appears and makes everything you want and are trying to do in your life simple. Awesome!

Did you know there’s a big, red, easy button for wellness? Yep, there is. No, really. There is. No kidding. It just sits in the corner, unnoticed a lot of the time, vs. all the big attention paid to nutrition and exercise and maybe supplements.

Want the big, red, easy button to be well? It takes a bit of work, focus and awareness to get it, but, once you own it, it’s a miracle granter. When you get this mastered – actually, not even mastered but a commitment made to it – the rest is so much easier.

The big, red, easy button? Mindset, in a word. In a few more words — how you think, your outlook, your positive or negative beliefs about something.

As an example: I make tweaks to what I’m doing to remain well all the time. My body doesn’t stay well without course corrections. I wish it would, but, fact is, it doesn’t. I’m okay with that; I know what to do and how to address it. Wish it would stay well without any effort, but … it doesn’t!

Lately, I’ve mostly cut grains out of what I eat. Okay, whew, big step. But I’m managing well because I approached it with a spirit of an adventurer. What can I learn? What new recipes can I find? What’s a different approach to this? What can breakfast look like if I knock out grains? What will improve in my health? What am I noticing as benefits from trading in grains for more veggies and protein?

It doesn’t feel daunting or impossible because of how I think. I look on the bright side. I don’t dwell on what I can’t do. I find the fun in it. I still figure it out my way. I still eat what I like and don’t stuff down what I don’t. I still LOVE food! It’s just looking a little different right now, and there is a bit of a learning curve and some extra time.

When you need to make adjustments to get well or remain well, take a positive approach to it. Be an experimenter. Go into it seeing what you can learn that you didn’t know before. Go into with that spirit of: Cool, let’s see what this stuff is all about. Figure out how you can enjoy it. All of that helps create easier changes.

Watch for the good to happen. Watch for the shift. Watch for your rewards for this effort. Be open to accepting and acknowledging that your adjustments aren’t really that big of a deal. Be willing to allow a few breaks as you adapt, without calling your switch-up a failure because of those.

Not only does this shift in focus make it easier to create change, it gives you power. You’re making powerful shifts. When you look back, you’ll be thrilled, and you’ll think, “That wasn’t so bad!”

