Discover your steps to change before it’s too late


Why and when will you finally make changes that will help you become more healthy? That will allow you to feel great, enjoy life, have more energy, do what’s important to you?

Of course, for some, that time never will arrive. It may occur when they are at death’s door, and they then regret the time lost, the money that went toward medical bills, the good times they missed because they didn’t feel well enough.

But, for you, that doesn’t have to be the case. You still have choice. What will cause you to make the decision that today is the day you give yourself the gift of being truly well? To decide you’re worth whatever it takes to feel like you want to feel?

For me, it finally culminated in Lyme Disease. There were days when I was so ill and in so much pain that I didn’t know how I’d go on. But when I started to find answers (and, by the way, all of these were natural), I wholeheartedly embraced them. No change was too big of a deal by then. I wanted to be back out enjoying my life, not in my bedroom praying to get through the day.

My back was up against the wall. I had two choices: Do what I realized I needed to do, no matter how difficult it felt at the time. Or, in effect, remain disabled with disease the rest of my life. That decision got real easy real fast.

If your back isn’t against the wall, then let me give you some advice: Please, please, please, make changes now so you don’t ever have to endure being that ill. Anyone who has recovered from serious disease will tell you that whatever you need to do now is far easier than enduring the pain, suffering, expense, loss of time and worry that comes with illness.

Dream, believe, break it down

Just like with any other dream, envision the kind of health you want for yourself. How would you love to feel? Embrace that; believe it’s possible. Because it is. And many people, including me, have proven that by going from seriously ill to amazingly well.

Then, break it down. What can you do now that will lead you forward? What can you do next? You need steps. Zero steps towards being fully well leads to stagnation. And stagnation just ain’t good for you.

When you get frustrated, remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing. The relief of returning to the same ol’, same ol’ will last only a short time. But pushing on for a bit will bring you a lifetime of benefits. And it keeps getting easier and easier.

One step; that’s all you have to do right now. Pick one thing that will lead you toward better health, and do it this week. Just that step. Then the next. Because you know where it will lead? Away from that wall and into freedom.
