Feeling unwell? Magnesium to the rescue

Closeup photo of fine Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts)It seems anymore we are seriously in need of at least a few key items in our diet/lives. Why is the big question. I could hazard a lot of guesses, but, until we figure out the why and get our world back on track, what matters most at the moment is what and how to fix that.

One element it seems like most of us need more of is magnesium. You can buy it pretty cheaply as a supplement (chelated magnesium is the best form) or eat it fairly inexpensively in dark, leafy greens, avocados, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, black beans, chocolate (darker is better and has more magnesium) and fish.

Some people swear by bathing in epsom salts (a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate) or rubbing or spraying magnesium oil onto their skin.

Symptoms of a magnesium deficiency can cause you to suffer from a number of more minor ailments that still affect your life 24/7. If you’re not getting enough magnesium, here’s what might be bothering you:



Muscle tension and cramps


Jaw joint issues or TMJ

Feeling uptight and nervous

Trouble sleeping

Supplementing with magnesium also appears to help with disorders such as high blood pressure, asthma, cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue, epilepsy, anxiety, panic disorder and more.

The RDA, which often is too low to be of any real use, is 350 mg. of magnesium a day. A therapeutic amount appears to be 400 to 1000 mg. in divided doses. Generally, too much magnesium isn’t believed to be dangerous. The worst that generally happens is that you will be running to the bathroom. The one danger is for those who have kidney disease. If this is you, most definitely get medical advice before making any changes. If not, consider adding up the magnesium in your daily diet to see how far off you are and whether you want to consider supplementation.

In addition, “older” adults (defined as being 55+) appear to have an increasing need for magnesium.

I know when I need magnesium topped off. One of two things — or both — happens. One, I get those weird eye twitches. You know – where you feel it and are sure everyone is going to look at you and wonder how crazy you are. Minor but annoying as hell. Two, my legs want to keep going at night. I’m tired, but I can not lie still. Extra magnesium fixes both, usually in only a few days.
