Getting healthier: It’s like learning to ride a bike

Bicycle-with-basketI hear a lot about how people are frustrated with their health. Still, it seems too overwhelming to do anything about it. Or too expensive. Or they feel like they have to change their lives 100 percent overnight. Or they don’t even know where to start.

I get that; I really do. But it can be as simple as anything else you’ve learned in life. How did you get a degree, whether that’s high school, technical school, college or graduate work? How did you master your career? Or how to juggle a baby on one hip, a couple bags of groceries, your purse and car keys all at the same time without dropping the baby?

You took it on a bit at a time. You learned one section, it became easier, you moved on to the next. If someone had presented you with every book and every idea you were going to need to learn during the course of your education, you would have fainted, then picked yourself up off the ground and walked out, all the while muttering: “Okay, that’s impossible; living on the streets can’t be all that bad.”

Please listen: Do the same thing for your health. Take on one change. Just one. A small one. Something that you makes you feel can-do. Something you can commit to.

That small step will be do-able. And it will lead to more. And, pretty soon, hey, look at you – you can handle this being healthy thing even while juggling four balls, two knives and a flaming hoop. (I’m kidding … please don’t do that!)

I’ll do anything I need to do to get you to believe you can do this. Because you deserve to enjoy a healthy life. Because your gifts and talents should be around for a long time, not left unused because you feel too lousy. Because the money you’ve made should go toward enjoying an amazing life, not spending it on medications, medical visits and more.

What seems hardest to you? What frustrates you the most about getting healthy? Let me know; I’m here to help.
