Give your willpower some oomph

willpower word - isolated text in vintage letterpress wood typeToo often people feel defeated in how they approach health, particularly when it comes to making healthier choices in what to eat, because they don’t feel they have any willpower.

And that brings to mind the quote that says, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing —that’s why we recommend it daily.”

Willpower — or motivation — isn’t something you have or do not have. But willpower can get a nice boost, if you follow some easy steps. Here’s what to do if you’re trying to eat healthier foods:

Skip the starvation plan

Nourish yourself when needed. Before you’re starving. When you’re hungry enough to eat your arm, willpower is long gone. A grumbling stomach sends you to what is fastest and easiest … and, then, to top it off, you end up eating too much because you feel so hungry.

Protein and fat stave off starvation

Include protein and fat. It helps fill you up, stabilizes your blood sugar and keeps you feeling full longer. And this doesn’t mean you necessarily need a slab of meat. Even a few nuts will work to help you not arrive at the starving point.

Planning equals easier

Make a plan ahead of time. A plan makes it so much easier vs. deciding in the moment. It does take a bit of time, but it then saves you daily. And, more importantly, saves your health. When you’ve already decided what you want to do — and that includes when you’re eating out —  you don’t need as much willpower.

It’s not all or nothing

Allow yourself an indulgence here and there. The allowing of something takes the taboo away. If you’re forever thinking of the item you want so badly, it’ll grow in appeal. Just limit the portion size — no sitting down with a tub of Ben and Jerry’s! — and take your time to truly savor that item. You’ll be more satisfied. Also, get the best of the best. When you want a decadent chocolate whatever, don’t get some crappy candy bar at the check out lane. Choose the best, and you’ll more likely end up being happy with that, not craving more.

Slow zone

Slow down, way down. If you inhale food, you won’t really taste it, you won’t enjoy it, you’ll want more, and you’ll likely make worse choices. We all could probably make healthier choices — and gain that needed willpower — if we also would stop including eating as a multi-tasking event.

The addictive white substance that kills willpower

Sugar is an addictive white substance. So how to cope? Try to move away from sugar as much as you can. The more you do so, the less you’ll want. When I indulge in some delicious baked dessert (‘cuz that is my crave), I do find that fruit doesn’t appeal as much. When I stay away from it, I start enjoying fruit like crazy. Re-educate your tastes buds. Fruit will taste great if you aren’t always indulging in things loaded with sugar. You gain added willpower once you start scaling down the sugary items. Make sure you look for sugar in all its forms — including items ending in -ose, maltodextrin, and, of course, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup, in all sorts of foods from traditional sweet items to ketchup and salad dressings and more. You can easily knock out a lot of the sugar in your diet pretty painlessly by becoming aware of the hidden sugar in many items on the shelf.
