Give yourself the power

Little child girl plays superhero. Child on the background of suWho gives you the most power to be well? You do.

You might be nodding your head in agreement right now. Or you might be shouting at the screen. If it’s the latter, I hope you’ll read on and hang with me a while. I’m not saying this to be mean; I’m saying this to empower you and get you on the road to wellness.

Sure, you can blame your DNA (though how those genes are expressed can be changed by lifestyle) or your budget or your whatever. But that’s only giving away more of your power. And you need it.

We do a lot of damage to ourselves when we keep handing this power away. To people with initials. To excuses. To reasons we’ve been given that might not even be reality, once science catches up.

Take your power back. Right now. Reach out and grab the damn thing. It’s yours. Acknowledge what you have control in: All of the lifestyle choices from food to stress to movement to 6 other wellness blocks. (More here: 9 pathways to wellness.) Get more educated on your specific circumstances. Read, read, read, and then read some more. Different viewpoints. Not just the traditional. Not only the way out there. Those and all the ones in between. Make your own choices, not the ones everyone and their brother and the professionals tell you that you have to make. You always have choice. Make the right one. Know YOU.

You know how there are advocates for, say, children in court? Someone who tries to make sure that child gets the best possible treatment? That’s the role you need to take on for you. Your own advocate. For your own best care. That starts with embracing the empowered you.

Power yourself up with some strength. Some knowledge. Some honored intuition. Some faith. Do this, and you won’t be shaken as badly by the storms of any symptoms or disease that come your way. It helps you build a very strong foundation.

When I need to dig into something regarding my health, I feel like the little girl above: I put on my super power cape and feel the strength and how much I trust in my own wisdom. Then I go after the information or resources I need. It always works better that way. If I toss my needs to the winds, it’s a rocky ride. Not my preferred method of travel anymore. No matter who or what I have to deal with … strong girl in the cape I am. That’s what I want for you, too.
