Health bites to live on now

Change this. Do that. Stop doing that other thing. You’re doing something fun? Well, then, knock it off; that can’t be good for you.

Yeah, wellness, huh? Sucks put that way, doesn’t it? So, stop putting it that way! Make easy changes. Don’t take your life out to the curb with the trash and think you’re going to start over and love it to pieces.

Small changes. Over time. Things you can do now that will make a huge difference down the road. Starting with:

You know those lovely, long receipts you get for everything everywhere? The grocery store, department store, library, your Great Aunt Maria? Okay, okay, so maybe Great Aunt Maria doesn’t actually give you receipts. I bet she wants to, though! WASH YOUR HANDS after handling them. (Just like Great Aunt Maria would say.) Most contain BPA, which we try so hard to avoid in water bottles, containers, etc. Easy, right? You can’t stop the receipts (skip them where you can), but you can wash your hands. No big change. No life overhaul. Big health bennies.

Bit by bit – or bite by bite – change out food that doesn’t look like its original packaging for stuff that does. Crave that morning hit of OJ? (No, not the “if the glove doesn’t fit” one!) How about a real orange instead? Don’t throw out your whole diet overnight. Make ONE change.

Your butt … see how it’s beginning to resemble the shape of where you park it much of the time? That’s ‘cuz it needs to be moved! Take those nice gluteus maximus muscles for a walk. Or whatever moves you to move. No marathon – just short; sweet; do-able; agreeable; continu-able.

Sleep … I can peaz have one dose of that stuff? You’re bleary eyed. Exhausted. Reaching for the Red Bull topped off with a coffee IV to get you through the day. Not so great. A lot of our sleep anymore is impacted by our STRESSED OUT (sorry, had to capitalize another one because I know that’s how it feels – THAT big) lives. Lots of fixes; some require more time, effort. Here’s the short bite: Do a brain dump before bed. Minute or two long. Write down every blasted thing in that poor brain. Get it out of there! It’ll be there, patiently waiting, when you get up the next day. But, for the night, it’s laid to rest.

Another one from Great Aunt Maria: If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. About your health, that is. Stop talking about how you’re getting older, fatter, your knees hurt, you can’t do this, you can’t do that, life sucks. Glass half full, people; glass.half.full. What’s right? Focus on that. This is a bit by bit change. Don’t drive yourself crazy trying to watch what you say all the time. Maybe just pick one stock phrase of yours regarding your health, and eliminate it. Replace it with something positive.

Last: Have some fun! Promise me the day after you read this that you’ll do something that makes you laugh out loud. Yep, LOL fun! Laundry list of health boosts from this one thing. You don’t need the details; you just need to go allow yourself to do.

