Help restore your healthy gut – and healthy you

Illustration About ProbioticsIdeally, we want to get all our health needs met naturally. By doing things that enhance our health, by eating a diet filled with real, whole food, by de-stressing in good ways, not via something like drugs or alcohol. And so on.

Realistically, we can’t always do that. One of the things that often needs a boost in your system via more than food is probiotics. You especially need extra probiotics if you’re older than 50, under a lot of stress or have taken antibiotics. While there are probiotics in certain food products, it can be better insurance to reach for it in a capsule vs. hoping you get enough in what you’re eating.

Probiotics are the good bacteria that help conquer the bad. You know all we’re hearing about the importance of gut health? These help keep your gut healthy. A healthy gut creates a much-more-likely-to-be healthy you. Probiotics also:

  • Help you digest food properly.
  • Keep your immune system strong.
  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Regulate hormones.
  • Relieve IBS symptoms.
  • Reduce the risk for certain cancers,
  • Help you fight off things such as sore throats, candida, bladder infections, food poisoning and traveler’s diarrhea.

Of all the brands of probiotics, which are best to take? As I understand it, there are a few shelf stable brands that truly contain probiotics that are effective. But, that’s the problem – there’s only a few. Without a report from something like Consumer Lab, it’s hard to know which of those on the shelf are giving you your money’s worth. What I’ve been told by excellent health practitioners, though, is that the ones that are refrigerated (or need to be refrigerated after opening) are the best. This is what I stick by today when I purchase them. No use buying something that doesn’t contain a bit of what you need.

Consider getting a bottle of probiotics and taking them. Follow the directions on the bottle. I always take mine first thing in the a.m., and I usually take one capsule, sometimes two if I think I have more need. Like with anything, pay attention: Do you notice a difference after taking them a while? This is one of the few times, though, that I think it’s wise to take these no matter what. I generally take one bottle per quarter to make sure I am keeping up my good bacteria levels. As always, if you’re not sure or have some special health concerns, consult with a natural health practitioner.

There also are studies that show taking probiotics helps lessen the flu’s duration and symptoms — or possibly even prevents it. So, just think, not only will you get all the above benefits by starting now, but, next winter, you also may not have to suffer with the flu.
