How to buy stevia that actually is good for your health

It’s always a little bit exciting – and, then, worrisome – when a healthy product finally gets its due.

Why exciting? Because more people learn about a choice that will boost their well being and help counter all the items damaging their health.

Why worrisome? Because when that item hits the mainstream, it often gets corrupted.

So, awesome – more people know to reach for this healthier choice. But they don’t know what they’re looking at so they may buy what they think is a healthy item and … it isn’t.

Case in point: Stevia. Stevia, long used in other countries but long banned in the U.S. That was fine, plenty of us knew and used stevia. We bought it in health food stores and added it to various drinks and foods to lend more flavor and sweetness. It wasn’t approved by the FDA, but it was allowed to be sold as a supplement none the less.

Then, lo and behold, the FDA decided to approve stevia for use in food and drink. I won’t, at this time, comment on why I think the FDA changed its mind. All for the common good, I’m sure. (Said very sarcastically.)

So, now, voila, we have access to stevia all over the place. Heck, you even can buy stevia in mass discount stores. But, guess what? It’s not pure stevia. It’s stevia mixed with something cheaper. Something that is not going to benefit your health. Another long discussion I’ll perhaps save for another time when I feel like getting on my soapbox to rant and rave at how many food/drink manufacturers corrupt our food supply.

What to do? I can tell you. It’s simple. If you use stevia or want to try it, look for this in the ingredient list: stevia. Yeah, that’s it. Not stevia and maltodextrin. Not stevia and xylitol. Or any other additives. Stevia, pure and simple. (Also known as stevia rebaudiana.) That’s the plant that helps you sweeten your food and drinks more safely. No blood sugar spike. No addictive properties.

Thankfully, there are plenty of choices. Check online, at a local health food store or in places like Trader Joe’s. But, please, read the label. Stevia by any other name isn’t the health star you’ve heard about.
