How to fake your way well

Happiness – bottom line, it’s what we really want, isn’t it? Or, to put it another way, it’s the end product of much or all of what we think we want. And that includes being well.

So, if you can fake happiness, will you get to the end product – wellness – easier and faster? Very possibly.

When you want to make changes to create good health, insert happiness as one of the initial stepping stones. Then notice what you do differently. How do you change your approach to wellness – and life?

When you feel happier, even if you’re faking it at times, you are much more likely to:

  • Get up and get moving.
  • Take better care of yourself.
  • Enjoy a positive, more optimistic mindset.
  • Think of new ways to feel well.
  • Choose healthier foods to eat.
  • Relax and enjoy life.
  • Listen to your body.
  • Have that “can do” spirit.

So, how to fake happy? (And thus lead yourself to healthy?) Smile. Honestly! Even if it’s a fake smile, it does the same thing. It tells your body and brain that you’re happy. Exactly – yes, exactly – the same as if you were happy. Even if it feels a little silly, a fake happy smile often leads to real happy. And both lead to improved wellness.

Can’t be much easier. As I’ve said over and over: Wellness doesn’t have to equal hard and torturous. Small changes equal big results. Here’s your assignment: Fake smile for 30 seconds daily. Yes, that’s it. Go do!

