Inside you exists a wellness genius. A genius with more-than Ph.D knowledge about what will help you get and remain well. A genius spouting little tips and clues. Well, trying to, that is.
Not hearing a thing? Have no idea what the hell I’m talking about? What happened to your wellness genius? Well, the poor little guy is probably sitting in a corner, pouting and mad at you because you’ve disregarded him way too long. Disrespected him! Allowed others to disempower him. Little wellness geniuses have feelings, too, you know? 🙂
If it makes you feel any better, in today’s high science, high tech, high everything society, this is normal. Unfortunately. We give power to the latest, seemingly brightest, shiny object. However, that doesn’t mean it’s right. Or that it’s more right to help you build health than modes that have existed for centuries. (Why do you think they’ve survived centuries anyhow?) Or that your wisdom doesn’t suit you better than someone else’s wisdom. (I want to throw in an alleged there.)
How can you re-connect with your precious little wellness genius? Because, honestly, he’s a great guy, and he has some astounding info for you once you tune back into him. (Or her – your choice.) Here’s where to start:
Listen to those first few seconds of an idea or when pondering a question. The magic is there. You get an idea on what to try or do, then – POOF! – the rest of your brain kicks in, shoving poor little wellness genius aside. Stay quiet and aware of those first few seconds. That first nudge. That tiny, little thought. Give the ideas and answers that pop up a chance to really form and blossom. Then, try them out, and see what happens.
When you want to know something regarding being well, ask yourself: If I did know the answer to this, what would it be? Again … listen. Quietly.
When someone — friend, foe or medical professional — insists that this-way-of-doing-it is the only way, stop and think: Hmm, does that seem right to me? FOR me? You don’t have to argue the case right there — or ever. Skip the argument but still go find your answer.
Stay alert to little signs that pop up in your life. Not only as in little symptoms (and definitely remain conscious of those, too) but as in noticing something about a supplement or herb or alternative practice or anything else several times.
Getting back in touch with your wellness genius is possible, and, more importantly, will enable you to stay in touch with what leads to wellness naturally. It will empower you, keep you safer, make you happier and save you money. Pretty important little guy, huh?