How to navigate those inevitable bumps in your wellness journey

Blue Ships Navigation Illustration With Compass, Lighthouse AndThings happen to the best of us. No matter how perfect you aim to be or how much you think you’re doing so you can be on the right track, well … shit happens. It’s life. And, hey, sometimes we learn a ton through that.

Let me tell you: It’s okay. Because of the learning that may occur but, really, just because it’s okay. It doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. It’s just a bump in the road. Bumps naturally pop up. You get some smooth sailing; you get some bumps.

What matters is your response to the bumps. What do you do then? Give up? Go back to bad habits because that bump, you think, proves it’s all useless? Or do you identify it as a temporary bump, get past the bump, and continue on with your good practices? Maybe even improved ones.

The latter is a healthy response. Giving up doesn’t give you anything. It maximizes your feelings of defeat. Continuing on, stronger, helps you. It gets you back on the track that most likely was doing you a lot of good and/or it gives you information so you can course correct.

Find your strength. Your power. Your intention to learn and grow. That is what will guide you past the bumps. Again and again. This ability to navigate both times of wellness and unwellness, no matter the smooth sailing or the bumps, always will come to your rescue.
