Is play required to be well?

Smiley Faces“The word ‘silly’ derives from the Greek ‘selig’ meaning ‘blessed.’
There is something sacred in being able to be silly.”
~ Paul Pearsall

Wellness: Serious stuff. Right? Well, maybe if you’ve been diagnosed with something dire, then you need to buckle down and get serious. True? I almost would have agreed with you in the past. Not any more. Because a well person needs to have fun. Yes, even if it’s in the middle of, say, a cancer diagnosis. Probably especially then.

Play and laughter and joy help heal you. Whether it’s lifting depression, boosting your energy, dissipating stress or healing a chronic disease, play is an important pathway to wellness. You know those people who healed themselves from a terminal cancer diagnosis by laughing? I bet they now see play as an essential part of how they remain well.

I know; it can seem, well, un-grown up. Ridiculous. Humiliating. Simply not the way you think you should act. I know I resisted the playful side of me for a whopping long time. Have you? It seems like being playful doesn’t really fit in with being a responsible grown up, does it?

Okay, of course you can’t be silly 24/7. Reasonable balance, remember? But you sure can inject some playful hours. Anything that helps you laugh, feel joy, relax, smile. That’s the “prescription” for healing your play pathway.

Unfortunately, we grown ups seem to need to be reminded that play is good for our well being. So, here I am – reminding you. Hopefully, encouraging you to make more of a point to weave play into your life. Even, possibly, giving you permission that your playful side is welcome – and needed.

Your doses of play will lighten up everything.  They’ll boost your mood and all the important/serious hormones that help regulate all the important/serious stuff in your body that results in health. Yeah, I could give you grown up technical terms, but where’s the fun in that? ☺
