Minutes matter

CloseUpClockInBlueWhen I started meditating again, with the assistance of an app, I chose the two minute option. Two minutes … you could scoff at that. Does that even matter? Why bother? Because … it was two minutes. It was a start. It was something. It was a commitment to trying. (Again.)

Now my measly two minutes is 10-15 minutes. Again, you might scoff at that one, too. Perhaps you mediate for 30 minutes. Or an hour. Or more. Awesome. That’s good for you. This is good for me. Minutes matter.

Ten minutes spent meditating serves me way better than zero minutes spent meditating. If I’d had the belief that it was all or nothing, I may not be doing anything today. Minutes matter.

Apply this to whatever you’re trying to add to your life to be more well. Scale it however it fits. Start as tiny as you need to start to feel like you can do this with ease. Scale it up as it seems possible. Stretch when you’re ready to stretch. Just don’t make that stretch so far that you break vs. stretch.

Minutes matter. Don’t let anyone tell you differently or guilt you into the all or nothing approach.
