Above is a nice graphic you can print out, if it helps, to carry with you when you go to the store. If you start avoiding these items, you’ll do your body a world of good. Not only will you feel better now, you’ll be insuring that good health for tomorrow.
This doesn’t have to equal deprivation. You can eat great, yet avoid all of the things above.
If the above items are all news to you, stop, take a breath, and make it simpler, if that helps. Choose one thing on the list above, and decide – right now – to never purchase any item containing it again. It’s better that you choose one item, and get used to checking for it before putting food in your cart. If you make the plan to skip all of these, it may fall apart fast once you start seeing how many times you find these seven in food you’re buying. What happens often then is that you completely give up. Get one ingredient off your food list, get used to buying around it, then move on to another.
Vote with your food dollars. When we stop buying foods containing junk that’s making us ill, food manufacturers will stop making it. It’s time we take back our food world so it not only is something we enjoy, it also is something that honestly nourishes us.