Soda study actually shows water’s benefits

Glass pitcher of water and glass on wooden table close-upI bet this “info” will show up a lot to demonstrate how much you want to choose diet soda if you’re interested in weight loss. So, let’s chat about it.

The study that shows that diet soda helps fuel weight loss was funded by … the American Beverage Association. Of which, of course, Coke and Pepsi are members. That should tell you all you want to know.

But what I found even more interesting was what one participant — in the group only allowed water — said:

“I feel like I could 1,000 percent tell the benefit of drinking water only. I felt better, I had more energy, I felt healthier, I just generally felt way better.” 1,000 percent! I think that’s pretty amazing improvement over 12 weeks. You?

Be smarter than this alleged study. Make a different choice. Ignore this type of crap. Drink water. Stay/be healthier. It’s that simple. The study perhaps proved what we really need to know: Water is a miracle drink.

Here’s the article, if you want to read more:

Diet soda helps weight loss
