The change in thinking that will heal you

Too often, we fall into the trap of complaining, moaning and focusing on anything and everything that’s wrong. When the truth is: If you’re reading this, there’s a lot that is right.

What does this have to do with health? Oh, only absolutely everything. Being an optimist heals. Gratitude does, too. Getting in the habit of looking for what you can appreciate – and out of the habit of tearing down – will help you live both longer and healthier. And, for how much effort? Such a simple practice. No danger; no cost.

The feel better factor? It’ll be almost immediate. Do we discount such simple practices as not worthy of our time because they are, indeed, simple? Are we so high-tech that we can’t also appreciate things that are naturally nurturing and basic?

It’s your choice. But, I offer you up this thought: Take in the graphic below. Really … take it in. Think about it; remember it. Every time you need a booster reminder, come back to it. And tell if me your life – and well being – doesn’t change.

