The little blue “pill” that truly makes life better

There’s a little blue pill that gets LOTS of advertising – and other – attention. Yeah, you know what I mean. And then there’s this other poor, little, blue, round, “pill” that gets no respect. Yeah, it’s the Rodney Dangerfield health aid. Even though it does much more to overall enhance your life than the first blue pill, it costs tons less, and it is never, ever going to risk your life (or have other weird side effects that might entail a rush to the ER).

The other little blue “pill?” …..

Blueberries. Yeah, yeah, I know – they’re not a pill. But they’re little and round and blue and, if drug manufacturers could harvest and patent their health help, they would be. Thankfully, they will remain – let’s hope – inexpensive, safe, health boosters.

So, what can these tasty little morsels do for your life? Tons. Blueberries:

Slash women’s risk of heart attack by up to 33%. This is most likely because of the high anthocyanin content, which can help dilate arteries, counter the build up of plaque and provide other cardiovascular benefits. You need 3 servings or more per week.

Contain more antioxidants than any other fruit. In short, antioxidants protect you against the damage that plays a role in many diseases, including muscle and tissue degeneration, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. By the way, they also are anti-inflammatory.

Keep your brain healthy. They’ve been shown to reverse memory loss and improve motor skills.

Prevent cancer. Blueberries appear to inhibit cancer growth.

Lower cholesterol.

Lower blood pressure.

Preserve kidney function.

Protect against stroke.

Promote good bacteria, which protects and heals your gut.

Help alleviate high blood sugar, reducing your risk of diabetes or improving it or insulin resistance if you have it already.

Keep your urinary tract healthy.

Improve night vision.

Bonus: Think about it, if you get/remain well thanks to all the benefits listed above, don’t you think that this blue fruit might indeed have similar powers to the other blue pill?

Add blueberries – real ones – to your bowl or plate today. They add a burst of flavor and color to everything. Plus you’ll know you’re truly doing your body good.
