The muscle you most need to flex to be well

Power. Fuel. Drive.

Strength. Confidence.

Standing tall. Standing strong.

No longer powerless. No longer a victim.

Unshakeable belief in your own knowing.

What does this have to do with wellness? Everything. This is your fuel. This is your foundation. This is the boundary. This is your Ph.D in you.

This is where push does not come to shove. This is where an unwanted push by an outside element is met with you looking it in the face and saying, “Fuck off.”

You don’t get completely well without this element. You don’t get well without becoming a more powerful force for your own good. A victim must become a fighter in order to recover. You don’t have to get angry – though if that helps, so be it. You have to get powerful … and feel it.

If you don’t learn the feeling of “oh, hell, NO,” you’ll settle for anything anyone throws at you. You’ll be pushed, prodded and moved along like cattle in a chute.

Who should have a bigger stake in you being well than … you? You can’t hand that off to someone. You can’t expect someone else to pick up the pieces for you. If you’re lucky enough to have a person (or two) who will support you while those pieces get put together, that’s awesome. But it’s you who needs to hold the real power.

It’s you who needs to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and all those other cliché sayings. A friend of a friend used to tell other women who were whining or complaining, “Pull up your big girl panties!” I detested that sentence, even though it never was said to me. I thought it was disrespectful. Uncaring. Unhelpful. But it wasn’t. It simply was direct. It was a way to say, “Girlfriend, get you some power … hell, no, take you some power!”

This is you, on top of the world. Powerful, strong, confident, jubilant. You know what you want, how to get it, and how to keep it.

Where are you playing strong in living well? Where are you being weak? Awareness is the first stage of growth. Next step is re-flexing those unused power muscles so they naturally kick in when needed. And, maybe, even when not.
