The simple, inexpensive, natural way to soften your laundry

White VinegarWhen I walk through the laundry aisle, I’m assaulted, it feels like, by all those chemical scents. Nope, they do not smell good. If they do to you, they shouldn’t. Your nose has been hijacked. Once it’s un-hijacked, you’ll smell those for what they are: chemicals that will put dents in your good health.

But, I get it. I have a soft laundry addiction, too. And that is not cured by anything. It is what it is. I want extremely soft stuff touching my skin. Always.

So, yes, you can buy more natural products. But you know what you can do that’s even better? Costs a ridiculous amount less? Is totally safe? And, most importantly, works?

Use vinegar as a fabric softener. The cheap, white vinegar kind. Whatever costs the least. Add it to your rinse cycle or fabric softener compartment in your washer. No, no, I hear you — your laundry will not smell like a salad. When it’s dry, no scent. Truly no scent. No chemical scent, no fake scent, no weird stuff.

I use only vinegar for all my towels and linens. I also always have some dryer balls in my dryer. I think those help with not only fluffing up your laundry so it’s softer but drying time, too. I’m going to experiment more (I keep chickening out), but I currently use just a bit of natural fabric softener for my clothes along with the vinegar. Like I said, I like really, really soft stuff! I will update here when I make myself try my clothes with nothing but vinegar. I honestly do believe it’ll be fine, but, you know … baby steps.

Take your own baby steps. Try vinegar on some load of laundry. See what you think. Get your head out of the way, and try to be objective. If it’s scent you’re wanting, try something else that’s safe. Add a few drops of an essential oil to the vinegar, and you can get the scent of your choice. And … keep your health.
