The step that will lead you to wellness today

You want to create wellness. You want to feel better. But you’re damn tired of trying and failing … and feeling worse and more worried.

Remember the quote: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Okay, how about doing something different?

One of those differences is building a well you via small steps. Last week, I talked about this. If you want to know more, go here: You don’t need to jump off a bridge to be well.

This week, let’s create a small step that will uniquely suit you. On board? Great! Here’s what to do:

Choose one of my nine pathways to wellness. If you’re not familiar with them, get more info here: 9 pathways. Which of those appeals to you most? What stands out? What catches your attention first?

After you’ve selected a pathway, get quiet and think about what you could do along that path to feel better. See what pops into your body, brain, gut, heart – whatever area offers you the truth you want.

If an idea pops up, and it brings about a response from you like this: I’d LOVE to try that! – it wins.

If you have a thought about what step to take, but the feeling that comes with it is: Well, okay, I really SHOULD do that – drop it. Shoulds don’t create wellness. Go back and tune in again, this time with the idea that you really can create wellness with joy.

Now, that you have that step, it’s easy. Do it. You now are closer to wellness. Each time you choose and make this one, simple step, you continue to be more well. Wellness blooms from these encouraging, fit-your-life steps that build a solid foundation that’ll last a lifetime.
