The totally natural way to cleaner, whiter teeth

Licorice RootWay long ago, back in the days before we ran to Giant Superstore for all our wants, people sustained their needs by using what surrounded them.

While I’m not wanting to go back to those days — totally on board with ordering stuff via BigBoxOnlineStore and happily picking it up on my porch! — what I do want to go back to is that wisdom. That wisdom along with realizing natural items can do an amazing job without murdering our health in the process.

One of these is, in effect, a natural toothbrush. What it looks like: A stick. (Yeah, that took some pondering. I mean, my dog chews sticks. Then again, he has amazing, strong, white teeth.) What it does: Cleans your teeth. Freshens your breath. Knocks out plaque. Makes those pearlies white again. A stick … go figure.

I’ve tried it for quite a while now, and I’ve got to say — this stick is sticking by me for the rest of my days. There’s a stick in my car, a stick in my office, a stick in my purse, everywhere a small piece of stick.

What is it? Licorice root. (Root/stick — looks like a stick to me.) If you passionately hate licorice like me, do NOT be alarmed. It has this pleasant, naturally sweet taste. Nothing like that annoyingly nasty black licorice stuff.

Here’s this adorable guy explaining it more (He’s talking about an African chew stick; the ones I’ve purchased are called licorice root, which is the same thing.):

I sometimes tuck a piece in my cheek and kind of wallow it around in there. Without actually even “brushing” my teeth, they still get clean and white. Sometimes I use a bigger end like a brush and go over and between my teeth.

What also is fascinating to me is that it stops that urge to snack at times. Maybe that’s just me, but something in it is very satisfying. I eat dinner, put a piece of stick in my mouth, and it rarely then occurs to me to go snack on something. (Which I used to be pretty bad about.) My theory? It has a nice, tiny bit of sweet flavor that satisfies that extra thing I’m looking for. Like, back in the day, when dinner might have been topped off by dessert. And I try not to do that very often anymore. Or it provides something I’m needing. When your body’s needs are fulfilled, you don’t go running for something more.

I haven’t given up toothbrushing all together. That feels wrong. (Probably just my brain being overmarketed to as in: You MUST brush your teeth with official stuff.) But I don’t worry about it since I use a natural paste I make myself and put in a nice, reuseable glass bowl. Plus I don’t buy mouthwash, tongue scrapers, whitening whatever, etc.

Bonus? It’s environmentally friendly. Totally green for the planet and your health.
