Tired, bored, just don’t care about wellness anymore?

Great-PotentialDoes it ever (or always) seem too hard and overwhelming to make the kind of changes you want? You have all that initial enthusiasm, but then it begins to feel like you’re stuck in quicksand, doesn’t it? You’re bored because the excitement has worn off. You’re tired of the changes (or just tired in general). And that contributes to creating a feeling of: Oh, hell, I just don’t care anymore.

Not good. My mission with Wellness Reinvented is to help you create a path to wellness that’s more enjoyable. More effortless even though it requires effort. And, yes, that’s very possible. Without it, you won’t find yourself creating the kind of consistent change that makes a difference.

Below are ideas to help restore your motivation to live well. Because, whether you’re trying to move more, eat better, simplify or do anything else, shoring up your mood and motivation will make a huge impact.

Easy, natural, fun ways to stay on the path to wellness:

  • Get outside for five minutes. Yes, even in this weather (if you’re enduring this weather). Five minutes of fresh air and getting up and about will clear the cobwebs and your lack of motivation.
  • Dress in bright colors. Or carry a vividly-colored bag. Or post something near you with bright colors. These colors elevate your mood and boost your energy.
  • Keep something around as a reminder why you’re embarking on this journey: From as simple as a post it note that says something about your goal to a motivational poster to a vision board. TruthSerum, published each Tuesday, can give you a ready-made poster to print. Here’s a good one: Reasons Why You Can.
  • Have a small snack mid-afternoon. Serotonin, the brain chemical that boosts mood, dips around then. And guess what happens to your motivation and mood? Grab a snack that is something like a handful of almonds or a bit of protein and veggies. Things that turn to sugar – sugar and simple carbs – will only crash you worse in a very short while.
  • Visualize yourself doing whatever change you’re embarking upon. Make it fun. Be open to finding more enjoyable ways to fit it into your life.
  • Move briskly for 10 minutes. Do whatever appeals to you and however you simply can at the moment. Put on some great music, get up from your chair, and dance/jump/move around. Take a quick walk. Run down the stairs and back. You’ll get your body moving and regain some new enthusiasm and energy.
  • Find something funny. Laughter always is a boost.
  • Get some sun. Just 15-20 minutes of sun will energize you. Outside, of course, is best, but you can even sit near the sun streaming in a window and let the warmth light you back up.
  • Talk to a supportive, positive friend. Someone who will help you remember these sand traps in life are short-lived and who can help you see the lighter side so you get back on track.
  • Take time to feel gratitude. Be grateful you have the ability to (fill in the blank). You still have choice, and choice is an amazing thing to own.