I know, I know, I know – you think you know what I’m going to say. Right? You’re still reading (thank you), but you’re pretty sure I’m going to nag you about the 162 electronic gadgets you have running right now.
I’m not. Well, at least, not this time. 😉 Though the thing that will boost how healthy you are is sorta/kinda similar. It’s the type of “news” coming through some of those plugged-in items that you need to be choosier about.
News (and I use that term lightly) about dire new diseases, drugs and all the ails they cure (and all the magic they will (not) work in your life), someone who’s sick, someone who’s not aging well, warnings, fear and more.
If you fill your head with doom and gloom, it’s really hard to feel optimistic about your health. All that negative ick not only influences your mindset, it actually turns you further away from good health. You end up with a strong focus on what’s wrong, and you increasingly fail to see what’s right. Or have any inclination toward creating action around things turning out okay.
For example, a nagging joint ache that simply may have come from something like overuse or a need to strengthen that part of your body becomes something with dire consequences. A disease. Or, even, simply aging, and all hope is gone that you will be able to move about like you once could. You give up. You aren’t on the look out for good answers and proactive ways to handle this so the problem can retreat, not grow.
How many minor things become major problems because your belief is that it’s hopeless? Your belief is that you will be limited more and more? Your belief is that, of course, you’re going to need more and more medication as you age? Your belief is that it doesn’t matter what you do because there’s danger at every turn?
That’s what all that constant exposure to negativity does to your health. You don’t often see the stories about how we can age and still live well – and that there are people doing just that. The simple, natural remedy that could have turned your minor ailment around gets virtually no press. And no one is going to create a million-dollar advertising campaign to get you to buy it.
This is where you have to become determined and intentional. It’s so easy to get sucked into our media overload. But you can be smart enough to make wise decisions. Â When you find yourself doing the same ol’, same ol’ – i.e. watching/reading “the sky is falling” items – stop. Turn it off. Find something more positive. Get up and go for a walk even. Do anything to stop yourself from drinking the Kool-Aid that good health is hard or even impossible.
Just say no to crap information overload. You have better uses of your time – and your life.