Will aging limit your life?

Age – is it going to be the reason you can’t be well? Can’t do what you want? Can’t enjoy life? Can’t have a blast in your retirement years?

Thankfully, there are more and more people showing us the way. Proving it can be different. Hopefully, inspiring you to not use age as a reason … or excuse.

Below is a video of a person for whom age really is just a number. This lovely 91-year-old is in good health and more flexible than most people half her age. She credits yoga. That could be something you already do – or want to consider making part of your lifestyle – that will keep you youthful, too. If not, there are plenty of other choices that will help you age well.

What I want to see you do with this is feel encouraged, not treat it as a specific how to. (Unless it speaks to you.) Encouragement leads to you thinking differently about aging, and that’s the best start. Then you begin to put in the unique pieces that will allow you to age well – and enjoy your later years.

Where will you be at 91? It’s not too late to start.
