Your easiest 5 minutes to wellness

Portrait of businesswoman sitting  in pajamas at desk
Five minutes. Got it? No? Then, get it. You really better be able to take a break to devote five minutes to your health every now and then. I know you can. And this is easy. And fast. And even adaptable to your claim that, “Okay, I can, but I really only have three minutes.”

Put your feet up. Close your eyes. Empty your brain the best you can. And … breathe. No rules, no counting, no whatever-the-hell. Just breathe. And again. And a few more times. However it feels good. That’s all that matters. You feel a little better. A bit more relaxed. A tad less stressed.

Calm down that system before it explodes. Five minutes can work near miracles.

It amuses me that we need to be reminded to breathe. Really, how sad is that? We forget to breathe? Yeah, I know, we all breathe, but we don’t really breeeaaattthhe. As in big deep sigh, oh-that-felt-awesome.

I forget, then I remember, and it always amazes me what a big difference it can make when I simply kick back for a bit and relax and breathe. Can’t get much easier than that.

So, go on, I know you want to … breathe. Relax. Renew. Live well. PJs optional, but, hey, if that helps, go for it!
