Your mind: An integral part of you being well

Body Mind Soul Spirit 3D Cube Word Cloud ConceptYour mind, specifically what you say to yourself/others, can make a powerful difference in how well you feel. Don’t believe me? That’s awesome; I always think you should find out things for yourself. Try them on. See if they fit you. That’s how you know.

If you want to find out if I’m crazy or not …. Oh, never mind … I’ll just answer that: Yeppers, I am … but good crazy! (I think … hmmm.) 😉 Anyway, here’s an experiment to try:

Take a whole day (or a couple days or a week, but a day probably is going to be pretty eye opening), and keep all your focus on one thing that you feel is going wrong with your health. As in: All day, talk about, write about on social media, think about how crappy you feel. Over and over and over. Keep up that running dialogue, internally and externally. At the end of the day, write down what you noticed about how you felt during the day plus how you feel now. Be honest. This is for your eyes only; you don’t have to share.

Then take another day (with perhaps a couple in between so you can reboot a bit), and, using that same item, not only ignore it but reverse it. Find your glass half full. Find all the ways that you’re actually doing pretty good. Find what’s right. Your legs are doing great and carry you where you want to go. You’re independent and can do what you want. You were well enough to have a good time with friends at dinner. Do not, not for one moment, talk about feeling any sort of crappy. Or bemoan getting older or anything else in the crappy realm. Again, at the end of the day, write down how you felt. How you feel. What you experienced.

Compare. What were the results? If they were positive, which I’m guessing they will be for most of you, what does that tell you? What if you did that more often? What do you guess would be the result?

Extra bonus points: Watch the move, “Pollyanna.” Yes, the ancient movie with a name spawned that we turned into a bad thing. Like, “Oh, she is such a Pollyanna.” (With an added grimace and eye roll.) Watch for the ill person. See what happens under the Pollyanna prescription. Think it’s not possible? It is.
