Bursts of pleasure give you better health

Light Bulb Hanging Wall Arrangement PerspectiveYou’ve probably heard of or worked with micromanagers, haven’t you? Generally not a good thing, is it? Too much attention to too much detail that doesn’t allow the greater picture to develop and people’s strengths to shine.

But what about micromanaging your mood? Can that be a good thing? Apparently so.

Research shows that engaging in even tiny bursts of pleasure every day makes an impact on how you handle life and adversity. Staying in the present, which is what micromanaging your mood causes you to do, helps you stop fretting about the past and worrying about the future. There are good things in your life, right here, right now. 

Having a bad day? Find small things that make you feel better — happier, calmer, satisfied, fulfilled. It can be anything — the sun shining, a child’s laugh, an assist from a stranger, a pretty flower, your cleaned-up desk. You name it; there are a thousand things each day that can bring you pleasure. You only have to look for them.

These bursts of pleasure will lighten up your day and your mood … and, long term, make you healthier. Put up a reminder so you’ll do this daily until it becomes routine. It will change your life, and create a positive impact on your health.

Small changes still are changes. And those build up over time. A little change here, a small change there, and, soon, you have a different flow to your day. And, quite possibly, a much happier, healthier, fulfilled life. 

There’s something within reach right now that will create a feeling of joy in you. Will you reach for it? 
