Do this to get healthier *and* happier

Of all the things you think this post is about … it’s not. Sure, wellness involves eating well and moving your body. But it also includes a whole bunch more.

Doing the following doesn’t cost anything (and, in fact, will save you money) and doesn’t even involve all that much time. But it will – pretty much guaranteed – create a healthier (bonus: happier) life.

Where am I going with this? Think about what happens when you get stressed about anything from too many commitments to gadgets screaming for your attention to stuff stuffed in your closets?

This is what happens:

  • You don’t breathe well.
  • You eliminate time to do things that keep you well because something’s gotta go.
  • You get even more stressed out.
  • You don’t make time for things that keep you happy.
  • You don’t allow time to relax.
  • You don’t sleep as well. Or enough.

Can you see this picture? You – on serious overwhelm. It’s not a recipe for being well or even enjoying life.

The answer. Simplify. Yes, you can. Actually, yes, you must to some degree. To stay well – and happy.

Don’t make it torture. Don’t make it hard. Don’t make it so you never get around to it. Make one decision about something you’ll do to simplify. Now. Need ideas? Consider:

Say no. (Yep, I bet you say yes way too often. Say no once in a while, and give yourself a break.)

Set specific times to unplug from electronics so you truly enjoy some downtime. That constant bing, buzz, whatever doesn’t let you relax. Or be present with the moment or person at hand.

Create a block of time to clean out and vastly simplify something that makes you crazy every time you need to deal with it. You know what that is. Something just popped into your mind. Yes, that one. This will take a little time (keep it specific and small), but it’ll free up more time in the long run.

Stop buying. When you go to buy the next non-necessity (and you might have to first look at what you consider necessities), stop, ask yourself: Really, do I need this? Will it honestly make my life better … or more complicated?

Get help, if you can. It’ll be worth it if you free up some time, even if that time is used to do a whole lot of nothing. Enlist others; ask for help. No woman should be an island, you know?

Knock back that schedule along with that of your kids, if you have them. Crazy busy isn’t good for anyone anywhere anytime. We wrongly think it’s a mark of success. It isn’t. But it’s a definite mark of going-to-be-ill.

The easiest way to start off a plan to simplify your life? Start in the morning. Give yourself a few extra moments before rushing out of bed. Do not use those to check your email, worry, predict doom ahead, etc. Instead, use them to visualize something uplifting or name 5 things you’re grateful for or even just be calm and still. Start your day off on the right foot – a calmer, simpler, more present foot – and the rest will flow much better.

Try it. You’ll see. Give yourself the proof you need. Wellness works when you know it works for you.
