Flu and cold prevention start now

Want to keep your body well? How to best do that is prevention, not reaction. You look ahead and consider what might be coming down the pipeline. So, currently, that probably looks like: There’s all this talk (and advertising) about “flu” season. What can I do now so I don’t suffer later?

Some things you can do are ahead-of-time prevention. Others are prevention more in the vein of preparation. That is – you stand ready, with the right things at home, if you notice that first tiny symptom. Stay alert to them, and you still can head off all or the worst of what may be to come.

I know you want to ignore stocking up, and head to the store if/when you need one of the items. Resist! It’s much easier – and more effective – if you have it on hand for the moment when you realize: Oh, crap, I think I’m coming down with something. If you don’t have anything handy, what happens is: You either can’t or don’t want to head out to the store, can’t find the right stuff or decide to wait till morning/next time you’re out – and then it’ll be too late. Natural remedies work best when started at the first sign of something off.

I ignore that it’s “flu” season, and you couldn’t pay me to get a flu shot. I go about my normal life, and keep my holistic aid pantry stocked. You can do exactly the same. Here’s how (completely minus any painful needles in your arm that may cause you other health issues):

Pure prevention:

Take probiotics. Preferably in a capsule where you get a really nice dose vs. the relatively teensy amount you get in something like yogurt. (Yes, even in the ones that promote themselves as great for this. Take the capsule; you’ll get more, and you’ll avoid the nasty ingredients I’ve seen in these products.) The best ones should require refrigeration. A study of others showed many of them didn’t contain any live probiotics. Dead probiotics aren’t going to do you a bit of good.

Simply wash your hands well – and often. Regular soap and water is all you need, but wash thoroughly enough and for long enough. Around 20 seconds or the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” … twice. Antibacterial soap has not been shown to be any more effective than regular soap plus it may create bacteria that are then antibiotic resistant. In addition, it will not kill viruses at all.

Avoid sugar; it depresses your immune system, leaving it far more susceptible to the bug trying to find a home. Craving that sweet treat? At least keep it for nighttime when you’ll hopefully be around fewer germs.

Stress … need I say more? Stress weakens your immune system. You’ve got to find your methods to combat stress, which doesn’t do a body good when it comes to fighting off colds, the flu or anything else.

Get enough sleep. Your body renews and repairs itself overnight. Shorting it of this protective system will only end up as forced rest — that won’t be as comfy and restorative — when you’re down with an illness. Studies show your immune system drops by 60 percent after just three nights of poor sleep.

Drink plenty of filtered water. Chronic dehydration may be the cause of all sorts of ills. Fill a water bottle a few times a day and keep it where you are — at your desk, in your car, etc. You’ll drink more water easily.

Vitamin C. I take 1,000 mg. daily plus what’s in my multi-vitamin and much more at times when needed.

Preparation in case:

My top item to kick out the flu remains Oscillo. Easy to find anymore, easy to take. You’ll keep on going just like the Energizer Bunny.

Another natural way to kick out cold/flu symptoms is elderberry syrup or capsules. That’s where I started long ago before I discovered Oscillo, and I remembered it being pretty effective. I’ve used it again in recent years, and it’s now my preferred go to in the case of a cold vs. the flu.

Lemon juice does a lot to keep you inhospitable to germs. Four tablespoons creates a climate where healthy bacteria (as in the probiotics) can thrive but harmful bacteria can’t. It also is antiviral and antibacterial. Drinking a glass of water with the juice from one lemon in it may stop a cold in its tracks. Adding lemon juice to the water you’re regularly drinking may help protect you ahead of time.

Vitamin C – yes, again. If you feel you’re coming down with something – or were around someone ill or are getting on an airplane – take more than the standard. And take it throughout the day/evening vs. one huge dose.
