How to start your day off right to be well later

How you start your day influences all the rest to come. Even things that turn an energetic, upbeat day into the dregs of life can be neutralized so you’re not so stressed and anxious. That is – if you start your day against the norm.

Here’s the typical start to many people’s days:

Alarm blares. Smack that snooze button with venom. Fall deeply asleep for, oh, 7 whole more minutes. Alarm screams at you again. Maybe then groan and drag yourself out of bed. Perhaps repeat the first part a time or two again, actually just adding to the misery.

Get up finally, dash through a shower, getting ready, pets, kids, other needs, coffee, junk breakfast. Whew, day finally underway.

What has happened? You’re frazzled, overwhelmed and stressed out already. Definitely not a good set up for a day where you can feel calmer and cope better with whatever comes your way.

So, let’s do a not-so-extreme makeover on the beginning of your day. Here’s how:

First: Get thyself to bed a bit earlier. Really. No kidding. It’ll make such a difference when you’re not dragged out from so little sleep. Sleep is health.

Second: Hopefully, with the first part, when your alarm goes off, you’ll feel more refreshed and ready to get up. If not, consider apps that choose the ideal time for you to wake up. (You set the range in which you need to get up, then the alarm determines where you are in the sleep sequence and wakes you at your lightest sleep phase.) If you don’t want to make an extra purchase, at least make a deal with yourself to not hit the snooze or only hit it once and use those 7-9 minutes to stretch in bed, relax, count your blessings and start the day off feeling better.

Third: Leave enough getting ready time. Even adding 15 minutes to your “time I need to get ready” can help you relax. Be more present in what you’re doing. Savor the shower instead of counting your list of things to do. Appreciate your loved ones – pets and humans. What a gift to both you and them, let alone your well being.

Fourth: As for your breakfast, I leave that up to you. Perhaps save it for a bit later, and take a short break to enjoy it slowly. Whenever you eat it, give yourself good fuel. That means protein and veggies. Not sugar and other carbs, which will leave you empty and crashing. Coffee – that’s up to you. You love a good cup of coffee; I say go for it. Enjoy it. But don’t use it as emergency fuel.

Overall: In general, here’s a practice that will help undo this craziness we all get caught up in: When you start something, stop for a moment – you only need a very short time – and calm yourself. Breathe. Feel your feet on the floor. Be present to what you are doing – feel the warm water of the shower, the scent of shampoo – if only for that moment. Just that will change the flow of your day – and the flow toward good health vs. away from it.
