Indulge in these and still be well

Aren’t you tired of all the — don’t do that, stop this, don’t you EVER even think about doing that! — that goes on in the journey to be well?

Yeah, I thought so. 😉 So, here goes some news to pick up your day. Things you get permission to relax and enjoy … and, gasp, still be well. In fact, even improve your health doing things that you thought you should feel a little guilty about. Good stuff, huh?

Exercise less

I know – really, you just gasped, didn’t you? We feel like we should do more and more and more and …. Apparently not. A study demonstrated that a half hour of exercise worked better for weight loss than an hour. And some suggest, for health reasons, a bit less – 20 minutes – works just fine, too.

Curl up and nap

A short nap not only is good for your health, but it boosts your productivity, too. (Tell your boss!) So, just think – enjoy a nice nap – and actually get more done in a day than if you soldier on.


Need I say more? Chocolate – how do I love thee, let me count the ways. Treating yourself to a bit of dark chocolate honestly is health-promoting. It’s being proven over and over. Among the goodies that dark chocolate is bringing you includes a lower BMI and lowered risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

Laughter really is the best medicine (and it’s free)

A good bout of laughing burns calories and increases your blood flow and heart rate, which translates into a lower risk of heart attack and diabetes. Guess what? People who laugh the most are found to live the longest.

Your vacation? It’s not luxury, it’s necessity for your well being (so stop feeling guilty)

A vacation is like insurance to help you remain well. That’s what you need as does your family and your company. So why skip the insurance? The break will lower your stress, help you sleep better and protect your heart. When you return to your daily routine, you’ll be much more efficient and even smarter.

Your morning cup of joe or evening glass of wine? Indulge.

A little bit of anything is not going to kill you. And while the studies seem to change daily, there isn’t one that shows enjoying that one morning cup of coffee or glass of wine with dinner is going to do any serious effect on your health. It’s the overdo that we do. So, skip the guilt, and sip away. (Reasonably.)

