The sneaky thief stealing your health

There’s a killer in your midst that you’re not paying any attention to. The clues aren’t so obvious. Oh, they become real obvious later on. Sort of like a good mystery. But, you know what? You don’t want your health to be a mystery thriller … with a scary end.

If, instead, you start noticing the clues, you’ll defeat the killer. Just like a good mystery – but this will be fact, not fiction. And the story will have a happy ending.

In wellness, some of the time, you do get really obvious clues on the state of your well being. You’re sneezing, coughing and feel like you just got run over by a Mack truck … ohhhh, you realize – I must be coming down with the flu. You work to remedy that.

But, with this one, the clues — symptoms — can seem like a lot of other things. So you skip doing anything about them until they become so big that your state of ignorance has to end.

The mystery killer of you? Stress. I know – you’ve heard it before. Hear it (see it) one more time. Don’t keep doing this: Oh, yep, there’s that pesky stress. Let me brush it away, and go on about my busy life. Pesky stress does not simply go away, no matter what you think. Unfortunately, it’s easy to think you’re effectively brushing it away. But, you’re not. You need to deal.

So, step one, get aware of all the clues stress is giving you. That’s wrapped up nicely in a graphic put together by the HeartMath Institute. Here it is for you. Spend some time going over it and learning the facts. Without stressing yourself out more, begin to notice the signs your body is sending you. You need to unmask the stress. Then your awareness can turn into something productive.
