You’re a woman and you’re stressed? No kidding! How to fix that.

Women and stress – a volatile mix. Of course, stress isn’t good for any of us, but stress does seem to be impacting us women more. Makes sense – when we started earning money for the bacon and frying it up in a pan (thankfully, that ad no longer airs), it was a recipe for disaster. A health disaster.

And I know you know. But you learn more by hearing the message in different ways at different times. Finally, the reality – and the urge to get proactive about decreasing your killing stress level – kicks in.

So, here’s one more. Once again, the HeartMath Institute brings us an infographic that shows you, at practically a glance, what’s happening to you when stress rages on unchecked. Better yet, it gives you ideas what to do about it.

Look it over, then begin to change your statistics by noticing where/when you are stressed. Then, notice where/when you feel calm, energized, happier, at peace. What’s happening then? What are you doing? That’s your clues to how you can de-stress … without getting stressed about the process.

