The pause that does your body good

To lower stress and boost your good health, you know you need to figure out a way to have some down time.

(If you’re not so sure what the big deal is about stress, check out: The sneaky thief stealing your health to view a graphic that shows all the ways stress impacts your body.)

So, cool, you know. And you’ll do … as soon as you find the time. Nodding your head?

I know, so here’s a solution: Work in daily pauses. No big deal. No pulling out your calendar. No stress trying to fit – oh-my-gosh – one more blasted thing into your life. I’m trying to help you lower your stress, not cause it.

Okay, are we on? You can address your stress by putting some pauses in your day. Pauses to:

•  Disconnect for even a minute or two. Turn off your phone and email reminder. Know that, if only for a minute, you’ll have peace and silence.

•  Sit back in your chair, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths.

•  Go outside and enjoy nature. Feel the fresh air. Let your shoulders unkink.

•  Stop rushing as you’re running an errand, giving something to a co-worker, etc. Pause. Slow down, notice something good – bright colors, sunlight streaming in, a friendly face.

•  Apply this in your own unique way. Perhaps there is an aquarium you pass by and can pause to watch the fish peacefully swimming. Maybe you can take a moment to light a candle, and enjoy the flickering light. The point is to find the something that captures your attention for a moment and takes you away from your current worries.

These all are simple, yes? They all are very do-able, right? You just need the reminder. Whether you have a free minute or several, you can pause. If you’re saying you can’t create/take a free minute, I hope you jump to remedy that … now.

In reality, pauses exist all over the place. Even if you feel you only have seconds to pause. Seconds will help. Don’t wait until you have enough minutes strung together. Pause for seconds. Every second counts.

These pauses will instantly lower your stress level, and allow you to feel better. Instant relief in that very moment. And longer term insurance that you’ll not face illness in the future.

This is the pause that truly refreshes. Take two, and call me in the morning. 😉
